What is a project based learning (PBL) approach? We know the
elementary years set the foundation for lifelong learning. Our priority
is to support students with learning the foundational skills of
literacy, math, science and history. We also want to provide students
authentic opportunities to apply those skills. PBL is a teaching method
that engages students actively in learning by asking them to investigate
an interesting and complex question, problem, or challenge, and then to
create something in response. Students gain knowledge of science,
history and others subjects, and at the same time they also gain a
deeper understanding of concepts and issues.
Research on PBL has has shown PBL improves student learning because it:
- Improves student motivation and engagement in learning.
- Builds critical thinking and problem solving skills.
- Increases students’ understanding of concepts and their ability to apply knowledge in real-life situations.
- Helps students to remember what they have learned longer and to use that knowledge in new situations.
- Teaches students how to work in a team
Videos Online
Project Based Learning: Explained
Elementary Project Example: From Worms to Wall Street
Project Based Learning: Resources for Parents
Project Based Learning: Caine's Arcade Part 1 / Part 2